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Copyright (2008) by Evgeny Ochin
Prof. Evgeny Ochin
The scientific autobiography
I has been active in the field of digital system design since 1962, when he begins the operations on designing and manufacturing of a digital automaton for diagnostics of Infection diseases (polytechnical school in city Novgorod). In 1962 under the management of the physics teacher Leonid Danilczuk (now the professor of the general and experimental physics of the Nowgorod national university) I designed the digital processor for the diagnostic testing of the group infectious of falling ill, what was granted by of honourable diploma with gold medal of the Exhibition of Achievements of the National Management of the USSR.
I received the M. Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering (specialty: Mathematical and computer instruments and device) from Leningrad institute of the Fine Mechanics and Optics in 1969.
Two years I worked in the Leningrad research institute of Electro Technical Devices, where the file-server of data switching for Naval Fleet attended by designing and manufacturing.
I received the Ph.D. degree from Leningrad institute of the Fine Mechanics and Optics in (specialty: Computers, complexes, system and networks) under the management of the professor Li Si Ken.
After a 1974 about 10 years I attended to Special Purpose optics-electronic computers (Coherent optical Processors of space-frequent filtering for recognition of two-dimensional images of 3D-objects; space-frequent computer generated Holographic Filters; Holographic Storage Devices).
Later, in 1987 I obtained Habilitated Doctor of Sciences degree in Computer Engineering (Dr. Hab. Sc.), from Leningrad institute of the Fine Mechanics and Optics (on two specialties: Computers, Complexes, System and Networks, and also — Optical systems Detection and Ranging, Communication and Information Processing).
After a 1987 my scientific operations was executed in the following directions:
- Development and manufacturing of the Special Purpose Computers for two-dimensional convolution and rank filtering in a real time scale (the Recognition Systems of space basing).
- Development and manufacturing of the Special Purpose Local Area Networks for recognition of dynamic objects of air basing (the Antirocket Defense Systems of ground basing).
After a 2001 my scientific operations executes in the direction “Computer Aided Design of wireless LAN” (generation of topology, analyses of quality and parametrical optimization of WLAN).
2010-2019 Professor of the Naval Academy in Szczecin (Poland), Faculty of Navigation.
2020- to present Professor of the Academy Jakub from Paradyż in Greater Poland Gorzow, Faculty of Technology.
I’m author more than 150 publications, including 2 books, and 28 invention patents.
Evgeny Ochin
7.04.2023 |
Główny problem Informatyki
"Jak w tym wszystkim nie zaplątać się",
obecne nie został rozwiązany.
Edsger W. Dijkstra
19.XI.2000 |
Telefony dual mode VoWLAN/GSM
Janusz Chustecki data 09.05.2008, um 13:01:13 Uhr
Cisco i Nokia zapowiedziały w Barcelonie na kongresie 3GSM World Congress nowe telefony dual-mode, które współpracują zarówno z sieciową infrastrukturą VoIP firmy Cisco, jak i z publiczną siecią komórkową GSM.
Telefony Nokia E61i i E65 zawierają układy radiowe GSM oraz 802.11g. Producent dołącza do telefonów oprogramowanie sprawdzające automatycznie, które połączenie należy wybrać. Jeśli sygnał Wi-Fi jest wystarczająco silny, rozmowa jest prowadzona przez punkt dostępowy. Jeśli tak nie jest, rozmowa jest obsługiwana przez stację bazową telefonii komórkowej GSM.
Nokia E61i
Telefonom towarzyszy też oprogramowanie, które pozwala integrować je z firmowymi (Cisco) centralkami telefonicznymi CallManager (IP PBX).