Тайваньская компания Tyan представила машину Typhoon T-600, персональный суперкомпьютер, оборудованный десятью четырехъядерными процессорами Intel Xeon 5300 (чипы Clovertown). Объем оперативной памяти T-600 достигает 64 гигабайт, компьютер способен работать с семью жесткими дисками SATA. Пиковая производительность компьютера составляет 250 гигафлопов (миллиардов операций в секунду). Машина способна работать под управлением Linux, либо операционной системы от Microsoft Windows CCS 2003. На рынке Typhoon T-600 появился в 2007 г. Стоимость машины -15 тысяч долларов.
Serwer Typhoon 600 zawiera pięć płyt głównych. W każdej płycie znajdują się dwa gniazda na układy CPU. Serwer (zaprezentowany po raz pierwszy w październiku na targach Developer Forum w Taipei) może więc zawierać do 40 rdzeni. Serwer może przetwarzać dane z maks. szybkością 256 gigaflopów (256 mld operacji zmiennoprzecinkowych na sekundę). Serwer Typhoon 600 pracuje pod kontrolą systemu operacyjnego Microsoft Windows Computer Cluster Server 2003. Producent oferuje obecnie podobne systemy obliczeniowe, ale oparte na dwurdzeniowych układach Woodcrest. Cena serwera z układami Woodcrest - od 15 tys. USD (bez procesorów i systemu operacyjnego).
The Xeon brand refers to many families of Intel's x86 multiprocessing CPUs – for dual-processor (DP) and multi-processor (MP) configuration on a single motherboard targeted at non-consumer markets of server and workstation computers, and also at blade servers and embedded systems. The Xeon brand has been maintained over several generations of x86 and x86-64 processors. Older models added the Xeon moniker to the end of the name of their corresponding desktop processor, but more recent models used the name Xeon on its own. The Xeon CPUs generally have more cache than their desktop counterparts in addition to multiprocessing capabilities. Intel's (non-x86) IA-64 processors are called Itanium, not Xeon.

Miniaturisation of supercomputers
New breakthrough in computer industry delivers ultracompact supercomputers to server rooms and even personal desktop. Due to original form-factor, Low Acoustic Noise, and low power consumption personal supercomputers Typhoon series are the most convinient and economic cluster systems available. Personal supercomputers represent a tremendous leap for customers who require performance-on-demand to reach their efficiency goals and get outstanding results. Mini clusters can be used to solve comparably small tasks of workgroups, research laboratories, design bureau for engineering and scientific calculations, graphical and industrial designs, GIS tasks and to create ASP Internet platforms.

Typhoon-ll Feature Highlights
Productivity: up to 256 GFIops
Dimension: 527x356x700mm;
Low Acoustic Noise: <50 dB;
Power consumption: < 1800B, three PSU 600W;
Five-node (1 Head + 4 Compute Nodes) Personal Cluster System
CPU: Dual or Quad Core CPU (Intel® Xeon™ series 5100 mjim 5300);
Network: two Gigabit Ethernet LAN ports;
Graphics: slot for graphic cart on control node;
Integrated KVM switch
One Gigabit Ethernet port and four InfiniBand ports (optional);
Memory: up to 60Gb of FB-DIMM DDRII-533/667;
HDD: seven HDD SATA I / II up to 5TB of HDD space;
OS: SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10, RedHat Enterprise Linux 4 or Microsoft Windows Compute Cluster Server 2003
Unifying supercomputer in a GRID, it is possible to create powerful on demand regional or national management systems to provide optimized access to territorial GIS resources, registrars and municipal resources and services.
Typhoon III - Next generation
Complete new system architecture
Customize MB form factor and modular design
Cable less and improve serviceability
Integrated GE/IB switch with system management
Support full range of add-on features
Launch in 2008
GROUP Competence and solutions
CPU architectures — AMD64, IA32EM64T u AMD64
Interconnects — Gigabit Ethernet, InfiniBand, Myrinet, Quadrics,
OS Linux SUSE m RedHat, Windows Cluster Server
Engineering environment — GNU, PGI, Intel, Absoft, PathScale
MPI implementation — MPICH, LAM, Scali MPI Connect
Computer-programming language C/C++/C# and program interface MPI
System storages: SAN, NAS, SAS, DAS
System Management
Space monitoring and geoinformation modeling
Graphic Clusters, 3D Media Production
About TyanPSC
TyanPSC is a new Tyan Computer Corporation business unit focused on delivering the best high performance computing value and innovation directly to our users. With over 2.5 Million users of Tyan systems in the HPC market, TyanPSC is uniquely positioned to offer powerful, industry-leading supercomputers to organizations worldwide. Designed for offices and laboratories, TyanPSC's Typhoon series Personal Supercomputers are high-performance, innovative productivity tools for individuals and workgroups of engineers, scientists, financial and creative professionals that need high performance computing without the hassle of arcane usability features or managing a shared IT resource.
The Typhoon product line provides supercomputing performance while maintaining efficient power use and quiet operation, allowing them to be used comfortably in enterprise and research environments. TyanPSC strives for leading design and integration to deliver the highest performance, turnkey, easy-to-deploy and easy-to-use Personal Supercomputers for any situation.
About Tyan
Tyan Computer Corporation, founded in 1989 by long-time Intel and IBM executive, Dr. T. Symon Chang, designs, manufactures and markets innovative server, workstation and desktop systems and platforms. Tyan system board products are sold to OEMs, Systems Integrators, VARs and Resellers worldwide. Products from Tyan feature design enhancements specifically developed for enterprise computer room and data center environments. These highly stable, space-efficient products are very attractive to OEMs and System Integrators designing next generation rackmount server solutions for a wide array of applications. With design and engineering centers located in the U.S., China, and Taiwan, Tyan holds a distinct advantage over the competition. Tyan's engineers are well-positioned to assist customers with the development of tailored solutions that meet their requirements. Customers are assured that Tyan products meet the highest quality and reliability standards available. Tyan enables its customers to be technology leaders by providing scalable, highly-integrated, reliable platforms for a wide range of applications such as high-end server and workstation usage in markets such as CAD, DCC, E&P and HPC. Tyan's time-to-market strategies and cutting-edge engineering processes distinguish them from the competition. Many Tyan customers have had their Tyan-based products recognized within their industries, garnering a multitude of distinguished awards.